Trusted by over 500 industry professionals, including:
Peggy Gou
Palms Trax
Sidney Charles
D. Dan
Jeff Samuel
DJ Philippa
Christopher Jarman/ Raiden/ KSP
Blush Response
Elli Acula
Emanuel Satie
Zoe McPherson
The Lady Machine
Phase Fatale
Kevin Knapp
Marcel Fengler
What is the King Kong Room Treatment System?
The King Kong Room Treatment System is a simplified guide on how to implement the King Kong Bass Traps, which are the most efficient velocity absorbers on the market.
Since 2018, we have helped thousands of music makers save millions of euros and this system is the essence of how we have managed that!
If you do not want to settle for mediocre results, read on. In 5 minutes from now, your understanding of your studio's monitoring potential will be transformed.
The System exploits a series of “sweet spots” to deliver the ultimate value offer for modern music makers (producers, mixers, mastering engineers, sound designers, anyone who needs professional monitoring control and doesn't have time to waste constantly checking things). The system attenuates all resonances synergistically with optimised full spectrum broadband absorption.
Before this system, producers would have to hire a carpenter and acoustician to get this kind of result, and that usually costs much more. Off the shelf solutions simply did not cut it.
The system removes all of the traditional “acoustics guy” or typical acoustician mark ups and empowers music producers and sound engineers to confidently take care of their own needs.
You can also get an expert from our team to walk you through your setup. Just ask!
Keep reading to level up your knowledge!
Guess what!? Over 90% of our customers are second time buyers.
They come to us to solve their problems after they have already tried other solutions.
Stop wasting your money. Our solutions offer an unbeatable price to performance ratio. Period.
Measurement data always available on request! Or TALK TO AN EXPERT about your space now.
There's a reason the best in the business (Peggy Gou, FJAAK, DVS1, Palms Trax, Hainbach and many more) go with us…
What’s so special about it? What's new?
The entire King Kong Series is now 20% larger.
That’s 20% more bang for your buck. Just because we can.
20% more Value for your money
Environmentally Conscious - the most eco friendly trap on the market.
Ultra durable frame:
FSC Certified Pine, 100% upcycled.No nasty rock wool, glass wool, or basotect.
Filling material:
density optimised 100% recycled wood fiber, 100% upcycled.
Acoustic grade textile:
100% recycled polyester, 100% upcycled.
How Does it Work?
Most rooms have low frequency issues (anything under 300 Hz). Left unchecked, these standing waves will slow down your mixing time incredibly, as “balancing decisions” simply will not translate to other playback systems.
In an untreated room, you are hearing around 60% the actual room itself.
You are not directly hearing what is coming out of your speakers. The room is acting like a filter and misleading your mixdown. There are different types of reflected sound interfering with the direct sound, and the whole picture is misleading for your poor ears.
Most things worth learning about are counter intuitive.
Acoustics is an extremely counter intuitive subject. You’re also being misled by others with vested interests. Constantly.
We exist to progress the industry to the next level.
We exist to serve the needs of the modern music makers.
We have way more low end in our music these days.
The only thing that can harness low frequency energy is mass, and other off-the-shelf solutions would bankrupt your entire family before you have the mass required to completely sort out all of your room's standing waves (modal resonances)...
First of all, Tri traps… terrible design! They put velocity absorbers in a point of high pressure, totally out of phase. Very inefficient (unless they are positioned in a totally different way! And goodbye space!).
The next most common bass trap we see? Cylinder traps! Another rubbish design. Low frequency energy will take the path of least resistance.
If you squeeze them hard into the corner (again - point of high pressure & low velocity so bad placement), just think about how much mass that actually is… not much!
They are not even good as speaker stands (bonus function according to their advertisements) because they cause hardcore phasing (particularly in the bass and lower midrange frequencies).
The foam triangle corner traps that you often see are also really not bass absorbers, so just ignore those.
You can go MUCH LOWER with velocity (porous) absorption than everyone on sound engineering forums seems to think!
Our King Kong bass traps have been engineered to the point of maximum efficiency,
meaning they are designed to be the most effective a velocity trap can be.
You need more units than you think to properly harness the low end. The good news is that results previously unknown to most producers are actually possible.
Give your studio the treatment it deserves!
Placing thick, density optimised velocity absorbers 45 degrees over corners is the best way to maximize the use of their depth. This allows them to absorb the lowest frequencies relevant to theirdesign via the 1⁄4 wavelength rule. It also allows them to take up minimum space in the room.If you place them on their horizontal rather than vertical axis, you can reach lower more effectively.
Placing the absorbers over the early reflection points on the wall (ideally with some air gap) is how we create the stereo image, reduce the reverb time and create a more balanced SPL reading by removing comb filtering, etc.
You should NOT take a thinner absorber for your early reflection positions, and a thicker one for bass trap locations. That is an old skool approach made for listening to Led Zeppelin.
That will lead to a reverb time not suitable for producing modern genres like metalcore, industrial techno, dubstep (or any electronic music really) with more sophisticated low end for the producer to monitor and control.
Be very wary if a company is suggesting you 4 Bass traps for your 20 m2 room, and a few thinner absorbers for the main early reflection points! That is simply not going to lead you to the results you need if you work professionally with music!
You should use ONLY velocity absorbers until you have exhausted their use and still experience problems:
Many think that for low frequencies you should just use pressure absorbers (membrane traps, diaphragmatic traps, etc.) for anything under 100 Hz. This is simply an inefficient approach and will waste a lot of your budget on something that only does one specific task. You would need just as many traps, and pressure absorbers are much more expensive.
Granted, the King Kong Bass Trap’s effectiveness drops off at 40 Hz.
You just learned how to get 85% of the way to WORLD CLASS results at about 25% of the traditional cost!!!
THAT is the revolution. THAT is the ultimate game changer for pro music people. We have made high end room acoustics systems available, affordable and substantial enough to actually solve your room's problems.
Example phase 1 treatment bundle (1-2 x KK per m2).
Then phase 2: Membrane Traps and Diffusion
Membranes for remaining ultra low frequencies, and diffusion if a diffuse field is desired.
Any of our clients can simply come back for a hands-on, custom designed “completion phase” package. But first, do the first phase properly!
Aka. Just follow The King Kong System…
You may find out that you don’t need to go any further than the first 80%. Most do not.
Get in touch if you want to go the whole way… to the absolute maxima… we love a challenge! And there is ALWAYS room for improvement.
Example phase 2 bundle: Full Spectrum Broadband Abfusers and ultra low reaching Wideband VPR Resonators.
How Many Bass Traps Should I Use, Exactly?
Depends how good you want your room’s response to be. There’s always room for improvement.
It's a game of depth, density, surface area and positioning...
We have already taken care of the depth and density question. You just have to add the surface area.
The most important thing is simply an adequate volume of correctly engineered MASS being brought into the volume of space.
Frequency can be thought of as distance. The more distance between your walls, the lower frequency standing wave can make his nest in there, and the more mass you will need to manipulate it.
In simple terms. Bigger room = more traps.
To determine the number of bass traps for low-frequency control, you need an amount of absorbent proportional to the 3D volume of space in your room. We've simplified the calculation for you into a simple formula based on your room's floor space in m2:
- Minimum control/production studio: 1 x KK per m2 of floor space
- Basic control/production studio: 1.2 x KK per m2 of floor space
- Professional control/mixing studio: 1.5 x KK per m2 of floor space
(this is where most customers aim for, it's the real "sweet spot" for getting to a professional result on a budget).
- Advanced control/mastering studio: 1.7 - 2.0 x KK per m2 of floor space
If you go to this level, you will literally be lightyears ahead of the rest out there. Get in touch if you want to see more data!
The best bit is that even with 1 x KK per m2, there are no competitors at this level.
But you can go MUCH further.
The truth is this was also a shock to us at the start. We had the good fortune of being able to invest extensively in our research. Again, just get in touch if you want to be given a DATA TOUR of what results would actually be possible.
You can even add the units in smaller bundles as you can afford it, completely modularly and never undo an obsolete step.
It's a purchase for life! They can be taken to ANY room to implement.
How Many Bass Traps Do I Need and where should I put them?
Positioning and Potential Setups
But will they even fit in my studio? In a 20 m2 room, there are 75 m2 of totalled surface area. They literally disappear into the space and then you will want more once you experience the benefit.
Need help?
We are here to empower you but we can also just do it for you if you are struggling, or you would prefer to just have someone sort it for you.
Example Full Room Setups
“Installed system”
“No-install” system
Since nobody that uses these units actually understands how a coefficient chart impacts an actual room treatment, we find them a little misleading. Not to mention, there are all kinds of physically impossible claims out there!
For that reason, we like to show actual tangible results. We dare you to challenge others to show their room treatment data and then compare it to ours!
“Physics is a blue collar job” - John H Brandt
installed system
non-install system
Check out these consistently insane bass responses!
Please, if you want to see more data, just ask. We can prove these results with hundreds of consistent cases.
It's actually really tricky to try to expose the truth to people without overwhelming them when they already come so pre-programmed… It requires a small amount of study but there is a huge payoff to be had.
installed system
non-install system
Check out these consistently insane bass responses!
Please, if you want to see more data, just ask. We can prove these results with hundreds of consistent cases.
It's actually really tricky to try to expose the truth to people without overwhelming them when they already come so pre-programmed… It requires a small amount of study but there is a huge payoff to be had.
With the simple no-install version, you can set your entire studio up in a couple of hours!
The easiest way to get the best result when treating your studio.
Empowering Music Makers with Innovation.
We are literally a response to how the industry operated before we began.
Others will make you iterate details that don’t actually matter in order to get your buy-in whilst leveraging your insecurity about the subject.
They will mince around and get your data and then act like they are designing something specific from scratch.
Wow, that's a waste of their clients' budgets, every single time. That doesn’t sit well with us.
Controversial insider secret: the first 80% of most standard studio rooms should be treated exactly the same and the last 20% is not necessary for most producers. I mean, it wasn't even possible within their budgets until now 😅
We do it the opposite way and save you time and money whilst getting to much better results. We manufacture and sell bundles of better treatment, and offer free high level implementation systems that you can follow…
Or, we can walk you through it
Why over complicate simple things?
Maybe it's not malicious. They probably don’t have the same goals as us.
Whatever it is, you don't need a “complex acoustic solution” for your home studio…
And, if you DO want one, we can deliver. Again, do a proper first wave of velocity absorption and then we can get as complicated as you like!
Yup that's right. We've been fixing the work of so many others constantly and that's just with our basic “first wave” system!
This is actually a logic puzzle, and your results are more important than someone's “designer ego”.
We do things differently! Again, we are simply trying to achieve a different result.
Your Room Presents More Problems than you think, treat them synergistically!
Starting with a simplified broadband solution is by far the most efficient use of your budget until you get to the last 20% (the fine details - that most don’t even need once they experience the real game changer!)
Off-the-shelf acoustics have just caught up with the real pros…
YOU decide how to treat your room, in 3 easy steps with entirely predictable results.
STEP1: Choose the result you want
(use or simple formula above to guide you)
STEP2: Choose the aesthetic/ model you want
(King Kong Classic, King Kong Premium, King Kong X)
STEP3: Choose how you will install them
(DIY guided installation, assisted installation, VIP installation)
Industry leading pro results in just 3 easy steps!
There is only one direction to go.
We are leading the way.
Differences in the KING KONG Series
Quick Recap!
What makes our solutions so much better than other companies who have decades more experience?
We are trying to achieve a different thing! We want to disrupt an unfair industry.
We understand BASS in modern terms.
You can add units as needed without making obsolete steps, ensuring a flexible and scalable solution for your room treatment.
Achieve 85% of world-class results at just 25% of traditional costs, making our system highly cost-effective.
For those needing further enhancement, we offer Phase 2 options for additional low-frequency treatment and diffusion, ensuring comprehensive sound control.
Our simplified calculation makes it easy to determine the number of bass traps based on your room size, providing clear guidance for optimal results. You can go further with a second wave of membrane traps and diffusers once the main issues are sorted.
Simple, hassle-free setup anyone can handle without the need for professional help.
Personalised assistance is available for setup; just send a sketch of your space for tailored advice (Or, go deeper! Send us REW measurement files!).
Join our WhatsApp community for support and advice from experts and other users.
Revolutionary products setting new industry standards, saving time and money while delivering superior results.
We offer predictable results with available measurement data, encouraging comparison with other solutions to demonstrate superior acoustic impact.
Acoustic treatment that works!
Let's listen better, together.
What we offer and how we work
Our vision